Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The BIG lift

Difficile à croire que des si petites machines hydroliques ont réussi à soulever une si grosse maison !  Oui, en quatre heures les poutres vieilles de 150 ans ont revu le jour !! Encore une fois, j'aimais beaucoup mieux ne pas être présente pour cette grande étape. Heureusement tout s'est bien passé....comme Eric le mentionne, l'équipe de Victor Godin était excellente.  À la fin de la journée, c'était impressionnant de voir cette grosse maison dans les airs, mais ce qui impressionnait le plus Sarah c'était de jouer aux archéologues et de fouiller la terre pour des tré la poterie, un petit bout de pipe, des journaux...

When last we left you; we posted that last Thursday, the holes were dug, the blocking layed and the beams were placed and ready to go. On Monday the crew showed up to put the house in motion! After approx.150 years the house was free from it's Earthly restraints and raised towards the heavens....Two large trucks were used to power the hydraulic jacks; one truck in the front and the other in the back. A shout out to the three man crew from Victor Godin House Movers and Victor himself as they were super and made it look like child's play; it took about four hours with steady hands on the controls and many checks with the levels and tape measures to take it up. A quick check inside after it was all done proved that their smoothness payed off as there seemed to be no damage! There will be many more photos to come but these are a small bit to show the day.....

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