Finally...after I stayed until midnight the night before pulling out stray nails, ripping out the old birch bark off the floor and sweeping up the century old dust and dirt, the Petersen boys returned the next morning and we were ready to lay the new flooring. First thing though, we had some repairs to do to the sub floor. There were two trap doors and several other access ''holes'' to fill in. Then we had to lay 5/16 inch presswood over the entire floor. This would even it out and to raise the new flooring to the height of the old flooring which it will join in the hallway and the dining room. The old original flooring was one inch in thickness but new flooring is only 3/4 inch.
If you remember, we intend to refinish all the floors the same. As stated in the last issue the only place that we could find unfinished flooring is at DJ Smearer Hardwood in Archibald, near Jacquet River. Dale Smearer; owner, has the most unique business for anyone that has interest in anything is kind of hard to explain. From Mercedes Benz to Fender and Gibson Guitars, from million dollar homes to ski lodges, golf resorts, etc., Dale is the man to supply you with your exotic wood needs. For our flooring...we are going with rustic ''birds eye'' maple. Once the starting point was ''mathematically'' determined by head guru Larry, we were off like a herd of turtles! I was slowing the pace by being too choosy in laying one piece to the next. The afternoon came quickly and the boys had some holiday parties (yes...we are a month behind) to attend. We were finally able to finish on Sunday; not too late. We were missing a bit of wood to actually complete the entire room but it came out looking totally awesome!! Who knew that Danish people would know so much about hardwood flooring; if anyone is in need, I hear they come pretty cheap!
I had Larry and Joe sign and date the back of one of the pieces....I wonder who will be the next person to see it.... and when....
Cette fois-ci, ça va être vraiment difficile d'écrire ma version des n'ai vraiment pas participé dans le «replaçage» des planchers...une chance ! Mais, je suis allée avec Eric voir l'entreprise de bois DJ Smearer Hardwood à Archibald. Incroyable !!! Même moi, qui ne connais pas grand chose du bois (autre que ça sens bon quand on le coupe) j'étais impressionnée. Pas nécessairement par la quantité, mais par la qualité et les différentes sortes de bois qu'on y retrouve !! Finalement, on a opté pour de l'érable piqué dans notre cuisine. Les gurus (les frères Petersen) et le «aimerait vraiment être guru» Eric ont travaillé très fort pour placer notre plancher de cuisine. Le résultat final est très, très beau !
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