Sunday, December 16, 2012

Let the construction begin

Hey, hey...we are back!

It has been just a little over a month since the weekend which the house was lowered onto the new foundation. On the following Wednesday construction began. Our new sun-porch / entry / mudroom was the first thing to go up (in two days) followed the following week by finishing the basement. We have a crew of three guys doing the carpentry; Carol, Gino and Marc-André. They work like a superstorm; three independant twisters massing together to converge as a category five seems like that there is nothing that they cannot do!
The second week of construction brought in the crew from Levesque and McIntyre Electric to start the arduous task of fishing wire through the maze of walls and floors and the many fire stops hidden in the old walls.
As the addition was placed onto the back of the house, the old cedar shingles were removed from the outside wall to reveal the massive lumber which the house is constructed. One inch thick boards, some fourteen and sixteen inches wide, covered by a second layer of one inch boards...all covered by a layer of birch bark!! The original vapor barrier!
We have been very busy as of late and are sorry for not being as up to date with our photos....but stay tuned, we have more to come. Again, thanks for following!

Oui ! On est de retour....Depuis que la maison est revenue sur la terre ferme, tout va très, très vite !  Les charpentiers ont construit notre ralonge/ nouvelle entrée en deux jours seulement !  On découvre les dessous de la maison : du bois, des grosses planches, de l'écorce de bouleau...vraiment impressionnant !

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